Five years ago, I decided to buy a website domain for my business.
It was mainly because I wanted to stop using my Yahoo address to send emails to clients but I also wanted to create a platform where I could properly showcase me as a professional and what I could offer.
With my domain purchased and fancy new email address up and running, the website element of my plan kinda got left on the backburner. To be very honest, between being a single mum at the time and a busy freelancer, I just didn’t have the time or energy to sort it out.
So since 2015, ‘work website’ has sat stubbornly at the top of every annual to do list but sadly it never went further than that.
Fast forward to 2020 and – like many – I have found myself with a little more time on my hands than usual. I wanted to use this time and space as a gift rather than a curse, so I have put my downtime to positive use and finally created my website.
The finished article is reflective of me, my passions and my strengths, what drives me and why I could be the freelancer you are looking for. Its a full colour portrait; I hope you like it.